
What is a Chamber Ambassador?

Ambassadors perform a wide variety of duties in the Chamber, but their main function is to help promote the Chamber, welcome new Members to the Chamber, and make Chamber events successful and enjoyable for everyone. They are a special group of people who volunteer their time to help promote the Kearney, Missouri business community and support Chamber functions.

The Ambassador Commitment

Characteristics of a Chamber Ambassador

Benefits for Everyone

How Do I Become an Ambassador?

If you would like to become an ambassador, simply complete the application. You can also contact the Chamber Office at, or call the chamber at 816-628-4229. We’d like to hear from you!

Meet the Kearney Ambassadors

Debbie Holt

Debbie Holt

RE/MAX Advantage
Brian Watts

Brian Watts

KPGZ 102.7 FM Radio Station

Jason Hoyt

Kearney Trust Company
Jeff Fort

Jeff Fort

Kearney Fire & Rescue

Niki Allen

Taligent LLC

Kristen Atwell

Summit Media Solutions

Carolyn Yatsook

City of Kearney, Missouri

Nicki Barnes

Southern Bank

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